Frequency distribution of congenital heart disorders in referred patients with hypospadias

Mottaghi Moghadam, Hassan, Saadat, Sara © ℗, Asef , Amir Ali, Bakhtiari, Elham, Hiradfar, Mehran

Frequency distribution of congenital heart disorders in referred patients with hypospadias

Code: G-94638

Authors: Mottaghi Moghadam, Hassan, Saadat, Sara © ℗, Asef , Amir Ali, Bakhtiari, Elham, Hiradfar, Mehran

Schedule: Not Scheduled!


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Hypospadias is a common birth defect of the male urinary tract that may be isolated or coexist with other structural malformations, including congenital heart defects (CHDs). CHD includes abnormalities in heart structure that occur when the fetus is still developing in the uterus during pregnancy. Early recognition and timely management of CHD is necessary for a good outcome. The risk for co-occurring CHDs among boys with hypospadias remains unknown, which limits screening and genetic testing strategies. The present study investigates the frequency distribution of CHDs coexisting with hypospadias.


This cross-sectional study was performed on the records of all referred patients to the pediatric heart clinic of Imam Reza Hospital during 2002-2022 to evaluate CHDs with nephrological and urologic disorders. After reviewing patients’ files, those without CHDs were omitted. Then, patients with CHDs were divided into two groups of severe heart defects and minor defects based on the possible need for follow-up and intervention. Subsequently, the information of these two groups was collected in the data collection form. In our study, the main focus was on patients with hypospadias and assessing the associated anomalies in their hearts. The data


: Among 81 patients included in this study, 49 (60.5%) patients had severe CHDs and 32 patients (39.5%) had minor CHDs. The most common heart disorders in patients with hypospadias were ventricular septal defect (37.0%), patent ductus arteriosus (14.8%), pulmonary stenosis (13.6%), and aortic stenosis (9.9%), respectively. Forty-seven (58%) patients required medical follow-up later in life and 13 (16.5%) patients underwent cardiac surgery which three (3.7%) of them ultimately died. Phi coefficient analysis showed a negligible, statistically insignificant correlation between the number of hypospadias patients born to cousin couples and severe CHDs (Φ = 0.033).


Due to the importance of congenital heart disorders in patients with hypospadias, cardiac counseling is recommended for all these patients before surgery, which can help reduce mortality and morbidity and reduce economic costs.


congenital anomalies, hypospadias, congenital heart disorders
